We’re open during construction!

IMG_0306We’re growing for you!

Expansion of our farm stand began yesterday and will continue into the fall. The stand will be open seven days a week throughout construction and all summer events and festivals will continue as scheduled, as will CSA member pick-ups on Thursdays.

The design includes increasing space for Verrill Farm produce, which has outgrown the current displays, and expanding the deli area, which has become a popular customer destination.

Our new entrance is at the far end of the building (to the right of the building if you are facing it), on the Wheeler Road side of the stand.


One Response to “We’re open during construction!”

  1. Gail Wright Says:

    It’s great you are expanding but today, as has been the case every time I’ve come to Verrill Farms recently, I encountered a very unsteady elderly person struggling with your current set up. Each time I have realized that those with mobility issues really aren’t being provided for and aren’t safe currently at your store. Today I held the door as this very unsteady on his feet man carried 3 bags of produce inside. He would have benefited from a carriage but you really have to work to get one through that door – he couldn’t have managed, I barely did. There were no employees assisting him at all. I speak as one whose husband is mobility challenged. But also as one who once spent time working in the “suit” area of an insurance company. You are leaving yourself open to an accident and a suit. I love Verrill Farms but am not happy about your current situation.

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